Monday, September 3, 2007

A difference of opinion!

So, here I am in my sweet birthday running glasses that have an MP3 player built into them! and...I just returned home from a nice morning run on the trail above my house...and Louie actually RAN ahead of me today because he saw horses he had to catch up to. AND.....I came home to my husband chopping my petunias!

We MOST DEFINATELY have a difference of opinion about this.

You see, wave petunias are KNOWN for their TRAILING habit and they were carelessly trailing beyond the boundaries of their *space* which I think is BEAUTIFUL!!! BUT my DH thinks they are completely out of control and so he takes the weed wacker to them! I called him a petunia murderer......and we both went on our merry way. Of course, for me that meant downloading these pictures and updating my blog that has fallen behind....and for Mark.....finishing the yard and undoubtedly killing more plants elsewhere! Oh...and now, I'm off for a quick swim and last minute errands and packing because we are going to HAITI TOMORROW........YEAH!